
Financial Circle

What do you think of the financial crisis? Do you still believe in those so-called financial experts, renowned financiers, or swindlers such as Bernard Madoff? Enough! It’s the time for your own voice! So here we present a reliable theme for those who are desirous to discuss finance on their blogs, also great for other finance related sites.

With professional interface, this theme is clean and light weight, featuring two columns, fixed width and left sidebar. Designed for Wordpress 2.7, it also works well with older versions and supports threaded comments. As an XHTML and CSS valid one, the theme runs properly on Firefox3, IE6, and IE7.

You've noticed the exquisite left sidebar and the colorful right navigation, haven't you? And there's even more, the widely used function PageNavi is now integrated in this theme! By using it, you will have the nice page number navigation without any plugin.

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